A Heartfelt Return To MOPS

This week I had the opportunity to visit to the same amazing Shawano MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group that helped shape and guide my motherhood journey. This time I was able to talk with some incredible moms about alleviating stress and anxiety during the holidays.

This season, as the demands and pressures of family gatherings, Christmas shopping, and other festivities start building up, we can re-center ourselves, find peace, and actually enjoy each moment by remembering that Jesus is the true reason why we celebrate.

If you’re looking for ways to help protect against holiday burnout and keep calm in challenging situations, give these a try:

  • Accept Your Emotions Instead of Fighting Them
  • Don’t Put Your Needs on the Back Burner
  • Set Boundaries with What You Commit To
  • Recognize that Only Jesus was Perfect, You Don’t Have to Try To Be
  • Find Some Quiet Time to Take Short, Rejuvenating Breaks
  • Don’t Forget to Breathe and Pause to Connect with God
  • Forgive Yourself and Others for Any Missteps
  • Keep your Focus on Jesus

Wishing you an enlightening and joyful Christmas season!