
We offer psychological assessment of intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioral strengths and needs in children, teens, and adults. These may include formal and/or informal tests, such as rating scales, standardized tests, interviews, observations, and record reviews. We offer many types of assessments based on the particular referral concern.

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation (Adult)

This​ type of assessment is used to identify strengths and needs related to social-emotional issues, personality, anxiety, depression, stress, job satisfaction, challenging behaviors, interpersonal skills, and intellectual functioning. Assessments may include:

  • clinical interviews
  • intelligence testing 
  • rating scales for anxiety and/or depression, when appropriate
  • personality evaluation
  • career interest inventories as needed
  • assessment of interpersonal/social skills 
  • behavioral  assessment
  • comprehensive written report with suggested interventions

Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation (Child)

A full psychoeducational assessment explores how cognitive, attention, and emotional/behavioral factors may be hindering academic, social, or functional success. This is our most commonly requested assessment, as it covers all possible areas of difficulty., including attention, learning, emotional/behavioral, and other disorders. Assessments typically include:

  • intelligence testing
  • achievement testing in all academic areas
  • behavior/emotional/social assessment as needed
  • testing of all psychological processing areas appropriate, such as processing speed, visual-motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, auditory processing skills, phonological processing skills, attention/concentration skills, oral language, retrieval speed
  • comprehensive written report with suggestions for intervention

Developmental/Behavioral Evaluation (Child)

This​ type of assessment is most appropriate to facilitate accurate identification of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, general developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, and functional difficulties associated with birth injuries as well as genetic or metabolic disorders. Assessments typically include:

  • intelligence testing 
  • assessment of adaptive/daily living skills 
  • behavioral/social skills assessment
  • clinical interviews
  • evaluation of verbal and nonverbal communication skills
  • screening of motor and academic/pre-academic skills
  • play observation when appropriate
  • comprehensive written report with suggested interventions

Dyslexia Testing Only (Adult or Child)

Assessments typically include:

  • comprehensive intelligence testing
  • language processing assessment in oral language, phonological processing, orthographic processing
  • achievement testing in phonemic proficiency, word reading, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, orthographic fluency, sentence composition, oral expression, oral reading fluency, pseudoword decoding, decoding fluency, spelling
  • abbreviated written report with suggestions for intervention

ADHD Testing Only (Adult or Child)

Assessments typically include:

  • intelligence testing
  • basic achievement screening
  • behavior analysis
  • rating scales assessing attention and hyperactivity
  • clinical interviews
  • direct assessment of attention
  • abbreviated written report with suggestions for intervention

Intellectual Assessment Only (Adult or Child)

Assessments typically include:

  • comprehensive intelligence testing
  • brief written report

Academic Assessment Only (Adult or Child)

Assessments typically include:

  • comprehensive achievement testing in all academic areas (basic reading, reading comprehension, reading fluency, math calculation, math reasoning, math fluency, written expression, spelling)
  • brief written report

Psychological Assessment – Hourly (Adult or Child)

Call and speak to us regarding your concerns in order to obtain an estimated cost of assessment.  These are typically evaluations completed on an hourly fee basis, targeting how an individual’s mental health impacts overall functioning and relationships. These assessments focus on the individual’s behavioral style and emotional development. Based upon presenting concerns, cognitive and/or achievement testing may or may not be included. For each hour of direct testing, an additional hour of scoring and report-writing is charged. A written report with suggested interventions is provided.

Are you looking for more information? Take a look at our New Clients page for more details.